57 research outputs found

    Struktura projekta organizacije građenja

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    Projektovanje organizacije građenja je neizbežan deo pripreme za realizaciju projekta. Iako važan, ovaj deo pripreme tehničke dokumentacije pati od niza mana nastalih kao posledica vrlo kratkog roka, nedostupnosti svih potrebnih informacija i brojnih promena tehnoloških parametara. Brojni su slučajevi da izvođač pristupa realizaciji ugovora bez jasnog rešenja logističkih zadataka i plana kako ostvariti ugovorenu dinamiku radova. U radu su analizirani neki problemi na početku investicionog projekta i dati su predlozi za izradu Projekta organizacije građenja ukazujući na ulogu tehničkog izveštaja kao važnog rezimea najvažnijih podataka o tehnološkim rešenjima i karakteristikama (očekivanim rezultatima) primenjenih organizacionih mera

    BIM – a tool not the principle

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    The Building Information Modeling (BIM) was regarded as the revolutionary approach to computer assisted building design, but everyday experience with BIM applications like Revit and ArchiCAD demonstrates inconsistencies with this view. The paper demonstrates three main limitations that influence recent lack of unified principle behind BIM applications and proposes more realistic view of the BIM field. If users have a clear idea what existing tools provide they will know how best to use existing applications and then to make requests for improvements that would go toward creation of BIM principles

    Work cycle based scheduling

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    U radu se predlaže novi pristup kratkoročnom planiranju nazvan PCR (planovi po ciklusima rada), koji se temelji na prostornim i tehnološkim ciklusima, kontinuiranim radnim procesima grupa i dnevnom planiranju. Predloženi novi pristup planiranju ispitan je na primjeru izgradnje sedam višekatnih građevina. Zaključeno je kako se primjenom PCR-a može uspješno utjecati na to da se prevladaju ograničenja postojećih pristupa planiranju na mikrorazini (dnevni zadaci, usklađivanje radnih grupa), unaprijedi proces izrade planova i poboljša produktivnost radova.The paper proposes a new approach to short-term scheduling based on spatial and technological cycles, continuous crew flows and daily scheduling, named WCBS (Work Cycle Based Scheduling). Application of WCBS is shown on a case study of constructing seven multi-storey structures. It was concluded that WCBS helps overcome restrictions of existing approaches to micro scheduling (daily tasks and crew coordination), enhances the scheduling process and increases productivity of works

    Metodologija proračuna troškova rada građevinskih mašina prema USACE

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    Estimating expenses for Construction Equipment (CE) has a key impact on the success of civil engineering projects. The nature of these expenses is such that there is a need for a lot of assumptions during the estimating process. These assumptions are later often difficult to check. The basis for accurately estimating CEcosts is accepting an appropriate methodology for calculation. The paper describes the basis of the methodology of calculation of CE costs used by the USACE and the possibility of its application outside United States.Proračun očekivanih troškova rada mehanizacije ima ključni uticaj na uspešnost građevinskih projekata. Priroda ovih troškova je takva da se pri njihovom određivanju usvaja dosta pretpostavki čija je kasnija provera često problematična. Osnova za precizno prognoziranje troškova mehanizovanog rada je usvajanje kvalitetne metodologije proračuna. U radu je prikazana osnova metodologije proračuna troškova rada građevinskih mašina koju koristi USACE kao i mogućnost njene primene van SAD

    Highway Construction Cost Estimation: Identification and Analysis of the Owners’ Perceptions on Cost Drivers

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    Highway construction cost estimates in the early stages of the project can be characterized as quite challenging and risky. Determination of the cost drivers on which the cost estimates are based requires a certain effort (time and money), which makes cost estimates even more challenging. In order to determine the owners' perceptions on the cost drivers from the previously proposed list, an empirical research (questionnaire survey) was conducted where the respondents rated the degree of influence that each cost driver has on highway construction costs and the degree of effort that needs to be invested to establish a cost driver's value. The survey results indicated that owners invest great efforts in the development of project documentation, but also owners' concerns regarding environmental protection issues. Also, they consider contractual cost drivers, such as procurement method, to be very important cost drivers for the highway construction cost estimation

    Cooperation In Digital Design Driven By Emerging International Standards

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    The growing acceptance of BIM technologies in AEC companies has led to the development of numerous applications that address certain aspects of the profession. There is a need to regulate the management of various digital building formats that occur in this process. Recently, two international standards appeared that introduce a unified approach to this issue. Building Collaboration Format (BCF) provides a unified format that allows the exchange of information about the observed problems in the models, where only the data about the problem and its location on the basic BIM model are transmitted. Based on this format, the cloud service BIMcollab was developed, which enables centralized management of all issues on the BIM model. The ISO 19650 is the set of standards that regulate organization of information about construction work. The standard provides guidelines for both information organization and information management processes. The central theme of these standards is cooperation at all levels of BIM model development. All processes involve a circular cycle of adoption in which all stakeholders must agree with the proposals. The standard provides many concepts that help to regulate a process. Common Data Environment (CDE) defines that whole process must be carried in one agreed source of information that is central point for collecting, managing and disseminating each information. The project information is collected in federated models from information containers originating from different project stakeholders. ISO 19650 defines BIM as a collaborative process of information delivery in accordance with organisational, asset and project information requirements

    Digital building model: typology and lifecycle management

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    Lately, there is increasing worldwide pressure that data on buildings be stored in the form of digital models. On the market there exist a large number of applications that enable creation of digital building models either in the form of advanced geometry modeling applications, algorithmic modeling applications or BIM applications. Each of these applications creates a model using its proprietary data format. As it is expected that in the future digital model supports the entire lifetime of the building, this approach raises the question of the sustainability of such digital models. The modern computer industry, at least once a year, launches a new version of the existing application that introduces new functionalities into the program and makes data from previous versions of the application obsolete. One of the suggested solutions for this problem is the IFC data model. This format today becomes more and more important because of its openness and independence from commercial formats which guarantees that projects saved in this format will be permanently usable. The paper gives an overview of the existing BIM project management software that tackles the problem of managing a large amount of different file formats that appears during a lifecycle of digital building model. The paper examines the problem of the possibility of connecting all types of digital models that include geometric and BIM models as well as the results of building simulation behavior (structural analysis, energy efficiency, lighting, etc.), models generated by generative algorithms, fabrication models, etc. The issue of introducing new information into existing digital formats, such as the standard IFC interoperability format, will also be considered. This analysis examines the perspectives and principles for the development of a future digital model that would fully cover the entire life cycle of the building. The assumed model does not imply a monolithic data structure but a distributed aggregation of different digital formats

    Metodologija proračuna troškova rada građevinskih mašina prema USACE

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    Estimating expenses for Construction Equipment (CE) has a key impact on the success of civil engineering projects. The nature of these expenses is such that there is a need for a lot of assumptions during the estimating process. These assumptions are later often difficult to check. The basis for accurately estimating CEcosts is accepting an appropriate methodology for calculation. The paper describes the basis of the methodology of calculation of CE costs used by the USACE and the possibility of its application outside United States.Proračun očekivanih troškova rada mehanizacije ima ključni uticaj na uspešnost građevinskih projekata. Priroda ovih troškova je takva da se pri njihovom određivanju usvaja dosta pretpostavki čija je kasnija provera često problematična. Osnova za precizno prognoziranje troškova mehanizovanog rada je usvajanje kvalitetne metodologije proračuna. U radu je prikazana osnova metodologije proračuna troškova rada građevinskih mašina koju koristi USACE kao i mogućnost njene primene van SAD

    Metode proračuna troškova depresijacije građevinskih mašina

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    Troškovi depresijacije predstavljaju značajani deo ukupnih troškova rada građevinskih mašina. Ipak, precizan proračun troškova depresijacije često je težak ili nemoguć. Metoda ravnomerne depresijacije, koja se najčešće koristi prilikom proračuna troškova rada građevinskih mašina, ne daje dovoljno tačne rezultate. U radu je analizirano više metoda proračuna troškova depresijacije, kao i njihov uticaj na ukupne tršokove rada građevinskih mašina i uticaj na troškove po jedinici mere obrađenog materijala

    BIM based project and digital building model management: applications and emerging standards

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    Architectural design and building construction are increasingly digitalized. A large number of applications exist that enable creation of digital building models either in the form of advanced geometry modelling applications, algorithmic modelling applications or BIM applications. Each application creates intrinsic digital model using its proprietary data format. The problem of connecting such diverse models to a coherent project environment is addressed by open interoperability file format – IFC. But only data format does not provide seamless interoperability, it is necessary to create proper IFC model for each particular occasion of model exchange. Existence of many diverse files and formats that all represent different aspects of digital building model posed to the AEC stakeholders the problem of managing a BIM project. The paper gives a historical overview of development of BIM applications dedicated to digital building model assessment from model viewers, through model explorers, to modern BIM project management applications and their connection to a set of ISO 19650 standards. The new standards and related applications does not provide complete solution to the management of digital building models but represent important evolutionary step in BIM progress